About Me

Hi I’m Caroline

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a sound vibration massage therapist.

My family and I have been living in the south of France, since 2007. These days I love walking with my dogs in nature, reading, cooking, interior decorating and I am passionate about holistic well-being.

I was born and raised by Czech parents, in the South African countryside, living a typical rural farm life. After completing school, I moved to the city of Cape Town where I worked the next 13 years for a materials supply company, selling semi-finished thermoplastics to the demanding signage and engineering industries. During the evenings I was either working as a waitress in a busy Italian restaurant or socialising in the vibrant Cape Town night life. I also completed a diploma in interior decorating, to satisfy my passion for eclectic, minimalist home decoration. In those days I had no awareness of self care and my life was definitely not balanced, which eventually led to burnout.

In my early 30s, I married my husband and we moved to Saudi Arabia due to a career opportunity. I did not work during this period and the much-needed break thankfully allowed me to recover from my burnout. During this time we travelled to Europe, and fell in love with the beautiful scenery and magnificent culture of France. After returning from vacation, I was blessed with twin boys and we decided to follow our hearts and start our family in the South West of France.

My life turned into a whirlwind as we had limited time for planning. I had no choice but to settle in France alone, because I had to travel before my last trimester and my husband had to complete his contract in Saudi Arabia. Fortunately he made it to France in time for the birth! My husband continued to work internationally, although based in France, working monthly rotations. We decided that I would be a full-time mom and focus my energies on raising our children.

The first 6 years of motherhood were a blur and my health deteriorated once again. I accumulated chronic illnesses in the form of depression, myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome), intestinal permeability (leaky gut), fibromyalgia (muscle pain) and others. After 3 years of visiting various medical professionals, I made some improvement but I was still struggling with pain and depression. I knew something was missing from my life.

I started by exploring alternative holistic healing modalities which helped me tremendously. I soon realised I needed a drastic lifestyle change to improve my well-being, and focus on sleep, nutrition and stress.

My journey to remove stress and trauma from my body, led me to the centuries old traditional Tibetan Medicine (Sowa-Rigpa). In 2021 it took 3 years of been guided into well-being by connecting my mind, body and energy. As my life continues to unfold, I find myself expanding and growing with purpose. Finding calmness within myself has been the art of living for me and those around me. Compassion, love, joy and equanimity have become the heart of my being.

The BodyReset.life Story

The seeds for BodyReset.life grew from my own experiences with chronic illness. My passion for well-being opened my heart and mind to the world of holistic healing. My exploration of functional medicine, traditional medicine and alternative modalities led me to vibrational sound healing therapy, which has been extremely beneficial. My recovery journey is ongoing and I continue to expand my knowledge and experience every day. Sound vibration therapy has helped me to find my inner calmness and effectively manage my stress levels.

I became extremely interested in sharing the success of sound healing with others and decided to delve further into the field by reading every book I could find on the subject and attending various sound therapy courses. By end of December 2022, I had completed training in Tibetan Bowl Massage & Tuning Fork Therapy and started practising on friends and family. I received so much positive feedback within my community, that I am now motivated to continue to grow and share my experience.

It has taken me 7 years to reset my body and I hope to be of support to anyone in their own journey to explore their own well-being. One of the first places one can start is to de-stress your mind and body and re-align your energies through the pure sounds of high frequencies and vibrations. I have found my inner calmness, harmony and well-being and wish everyone to experience the beautiful, fascinating state of being.

I am hoping to use my experience & knowledge to assist others to explore and discover the therapeutic universe of sound vibration.